I am not a morning person. I would rather stay up all night, go to bed around 7am, and sleep til about 1pm or 2pm. As a mom though, that is totally unreasonable. So I have to get up when everyone else does. Which with the girls I have been totally lucky because they like to sleep in as well. But since we've moved, I have had to become the responsible adult that I should already have been. Boo.
So this morning I had to get up at about 6:30 am and start trying to get all three kids ready to go so I could get Tyler and Savanna to school on time. What I discovered is that I was totally unprepared to take on this early morning task. It worked out though and everyone made it to school on time. I just know exactly what to do for tomorrow to make it go a little bit smoother. I wish I could find a babysitter that would take Kali and Cadee for a couple hours after I dropped Tyler and Savanna at school. That way I could just go straight to the gym while I was out. That would make *my* day a little smoother. :)
Oh and Tyler started his first day at his new school today. It's a brand new school so everything is really nice. And the staff was nice. His old school just really irritated me. Especially his teacher. But at this school he has two teachers. What was so funny was that I actually knew one of them. She looked a little familiar when I first saw her. I remember her with really blonde hair and now she is a dark brunette. Then she was like, "I know you, we used to ride the bus together!" I want to say I knew her from Petal but I'm not sure. I have been to a lot of schools and rode many buses so, who knows? He seemed pretty comfortable going into a new class. if he is anything like me he will be fine. I can make friends with anyone. And I'm not really shy in a new setting. Ha...I don't think I could be concidered shy in any type of setting.
Anyway, I read a friends blog last night. He had posted random pics and stuff that he had seen just as he was going about his day. It was really great. So today, while I was out...Early...I looked around and actually took note of what I was seeing. I didn't take pictures or anything. Although, I thought about it. But it was great to just be able to see the world and not be so caught up in the rush of things. Ha...I'm all about really "living in the moment" these days. And not being such a muli-tasker that I miss everything.
Then as I was "discovering" the world, I noticed Bill in my Nana's driveway as I was pulling into my drive way. I thought to myself that it was kinda weird that he would be over there so early. I mean it was almost 8:30 am. And I know she likes to sleep late. So I went ahead and got the girls out of the car and then I saw him walking around outside. Then he just got in his SUV and started to leave. That's when I noticed he had my Nana's trash on the hood of his car. He pulled over, got out, put the trash by the road, said hello to me and the girls, got back in, and then drove away. So apparently....Bill got up early, drove all the way over here, we live out in the country, and took her garbage out for her. Who does that? It sounds like something Dustin would do for me. SO now since I'm thinking of it like that, I guess this whole Bill and Nana getting married thing isn't so bad. Now I'm wishing I would have gotten a pic of Bill taking the trash out. lol.
I am always trying to think about things to blog about, but by the time I sit down to write, I have forgotten lol.
ReplyDeleteAnd how sweet of Bill to take our your Nana's garbage. He sounds like a really good guy :).