Thursday, July 28, 2011

I wrote this in December 2008.

Whatever happened to..if you can't say something nice then don't say anything at all?

I have been noticing a trend lately of people tending to pick out the negative things about other people. I say "wow, that person is talented (beautiful, etc.etc.), then they say "but...(insert something negative)."

Really? Aren't we hard enough on ourselves already? I know that I am. I don't need a group of people to get together and celebrate my flaws as well. But truly if you are someone who does this, it doesn't make me think ANY less of that person. It actually makes you look REALLY bad.

Let's face it. We all can't be the most beautiful and talented in the entire world. There is always going to be someone prettier, younger, more talented, smarter, etc.etc. So be happy with who you are. Most likely everyone you hang out with likes you as you are. Otherwise they wouldn't hang out with you. Don't try to accentuate other people flaws to make yourself look better. All that does is make you look ridiculous and shallow. And believe me when I say that shines much brighter than any beauty or talent you may or may not have.

How's your influence today? You may not think you have any but people are watching you. They listen to what you are saying and doing. Have you ever noticed that when you are having a bad day, sometimes it rubs off on other people? Or maybe you are having a good day and that carries over to someone else. Hello people! That's influence. Be aware of yourself.

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